The Chicago School | IllinoisCOM Email Signature
For instructions on how to use these templates, please reference: Email Signature Template Instructions.
When utilizing this template, name, title, phone, website URL, logo, and brand language are mandatory. You can choose to also include academic degree, pronouns, and physical address if you’d like, formatted as shown below.
Name, Credentials
o: 000.000.0000 | c: 000.000.0000 |
1234 Street St. Chicago, IL 60601

The Chicago School is a leading nonprofit university dedicated to improving the health of individuals, organizations, and communities through a solutions-oriented educational approach, coupled with real-world experiences. Our graduates leave with the cultural competence and practical skills needed to uplift marginalized populations and make a positive difference in the world.
The Chicago School is proud to be part of The Community Solution Education System, an integrated, nonprofit system that works collaboratively to advance institutional sustainability, increase student success, and enhance community impact.